Emergent Surgery to Strength
One Friday evening, Tara Spencer’s eight-year-old daughter Zara started complaining of an earache. While she seemed fine at first, her earache quickly worsened even after treating it with Tylenol and antibiotics. The area behind her ear became swollen and Zara was in excruciating pain, crying that she was unable to hear out of the affected ear. After a second emergency room visit on Saturday and another trip to see Zara’s primary care physician on Monday, Tara was advised to take her daughter to the Emergency Department.
Jul 14 2024

How A Routine Mammogram Saved A Life
One morning seven years ago, Angela Lane considered canceling her annual mammogram at the Ann L. Baroco Center for Breast Health and Mammography at Ascension Sacred Heart.
Oct 04 2023

Former Nfl Coach Is Emerald Coast S Biggest Fan
The 4th of July started like any other, until George Henshaw, 74, experienced an emergency. While spending time at the beach with his family, he had a stroke and was transported to Ascension Sacred Heart Emerald Coast.
Jun 18 2023

Emerald Coast Nicu Baby Ezra S Story
Ascension Sacred Heart Emerald Coast NICU now offering more specialists for patients and families
May 30 2023
Making A Big Impact For Our Smallest Patients
Small Baby Program: Helping improve outcomes for the smallest babies
May 16 2023
Life Comes Full Circle Nicu Baby To Nicu Nurse
As a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit nurse caring for the tiniest patients at Studer Family Children’s Hospital, Chelsea Fredrickson’s life has come full circle.
May 02 2023

Donor Funded Technology Brings Lifeline To Community
ECMO bringing a higher level of care to our community
Apr 05 2023

Joyful Creative And Determined
When the Whitworth family moved to Panama City Beach, son Will was three years old, and in most respects a typical, active youngster with a love of the outdoors and a far-reaching interest in animals. However, while he was quite verbal, it was evident that he was experiencing significant difficulty with his speaking skills. Mom Amanda had to interpret for others what he was trying to say because, although she understood him, no one else could.
Jan 02 2023

Helping Autistic Children Navigate Life
Four year-old Ja’Terrion was completely non-verbal when he was diagnosed and became a patient at the Autism Center of The Studer Family Children’s Hospital at Ascension Sacred Heart. However, this early-age intervention was to make a huge difference in his life. As a result of the speech therapy he received, he went from not saying anything to actually using words. Today, two years later, Ja’Terrion is enrolled in kindergarten and continuing to make progress in his communication skills.
Nov 14 2022

Stephanie Kemp Breast Cancer Survivor Finds Her Calling
Ascension Sacred Heart Breast Care Nurse Navigator Stephanie Kemp wears many hats as she guides patients through their breast cancer diagnosis, treatment, and recovery: she’s an educator, cheerleader, social worker, counselor and advocate. And just like the patients she interacts with daily, she’s also a breast cancer survivor.
Oct 12 2022

Katie Mitchell To Serve As Children S Miracle Network Champion
Ascension Sacred Heart Foundation is pleased to announce that Katie Mitchell has been chosen as our 2022 Children’s Miracle Network® (CMN) Champion, advocating for member hospital Studer Family Children’s Hospital at Ascension Sacred Heart. CMN is a non-profit organization dedicated to raising funds and community support for 170 children’s hospitals throughout North America. Each year, CMN hospitals are invited to submit the story of a child who has been treated in their facility. This child will serve as a CMN ambassador and face of the hospital for partner campaigns and various events that generate donations. One hundred percent of the donations stays in our local area to support pediatric treatments and healthcare services, medical equipment and philanthropic care.
Apr 04 2022

Halene O Connell
What is life after COVID-19 like? For a Milton teen, it’s a long journey from the coma she was in in the Studer Family Children’s Hospital at Ascension Sacred Heart. Now recovering at home, Halene O’Connell, 16, is fighting the after-effects of the virus.
Dec 28 2020

Tears Prayers And Grace
Haylee and David Huffman have deep roots on the Emerald Coast. They met in Destin, Haylee’s home town, and were married in Santa Rosa Beach eleven years ago. There, deeply committed to serving God, they “planted” a church that David currently pastors. Their three children were born at Ascension Sacred Heart Hospital on the Emerald Coast: Asher (6), Hattie (3), and John Levi. This is John Levi’s ‘story from the heart.’
Oct 05 2020

Elliot Rowell We See Most Clearly Through The Heart
Running through the Mother Seton Garden playground at the Studer Family Children’s Hospital at Ascension Sacred Heart, you’d never know 6-year-old Elliot Rowell was once a patient here.
Aug 03 2020

Dayaram Family
“All in God’s timing”: a surprise pregnancy leads to the surprise of their lives
Jul 20 2020

Ashton Welborn Childhood Cancer Patient To Pediatric Nurse
Ashton Welborn’s mother knew something was wrong with her second-grader. When the always-hungry little girl stopped eating and became pale and weak, she took her to the pediatrician. Blood work determined it was mono, but her doctor wanted a second look at the labs.
Apr 06 2020

Logan Allen Our Smallest Miracle
At six months pregnant, Talisa Jackson was faced with every expectant mother’s worst nightmare.
Feb 23 2020

Miles Wright
Miles Wright: “My cancer helped me appreciate the small things.”
Feb 03 2020

A Battle Bravely Fought
Today Katie Mitchell is in a good place. Eight years old, she is in the third grade and if you didn’t know what she has been through, you would never guess.
Dec 09 2019

Carter Harrison
So Much More Than A Syndrome
Oct 07 2019

Sophia S Story
How a new NICU will make a big difference for our smallest patients
Jul 23 2019

Jabyn Livingston Letting Hope Arise
One special boy’s legacy creates a haven for kids with special needs
Jun 03 2019

Abigail Fisher
Our 2019 Children’s Miracle Network Hospital Hero
Apr 15 2019

Blake S Story
Visiting with us during a chemotherapy infusion, you would never know the battles 18-year-old Blake McComas and his family have endured. Three years after losing his older brother to cancer, Blake was diagnosed with acute myeloid leukemia when he was just 11. Today, he’s still fighting, but it’s his laughter – not his tears – that fills the halls of the Studer Family Children’s Hospital at Sacred Heart.
Dec 17 2018

Reflection On I 10 Bus Crash
A Community of Helpers
Dec 10 2018

Harris Family
Father recounts day Sacred Heart Hospital
Dec 03 2018

Liana Patterson
LiAna’s Story
Nov 25 2018

Sprout Katie Have An Mri
What do you do when your child is so terrified by the thought of the hospital that she won’t get out of the car? You enlist the help of Sprout the Service Dog at Studer Family Children’s Hospital at Sacred Heart.
Sep 27 2018

Ripley Vignes
Chloe and Beau Vignes thought their pregnancy was fairly normal, until Chloe’s 30-week prenatal check-up, when they found out their son – Baby Ripley – was not on track for growth. Two weeks later, at the 32-week appointment, Chloe’s doctor performed an ultrasound and announced Chloe needed to be admitted right away. Baby Ripley was not stable, his heartbeat was not strong, and the doctor was concerned about his lung development. That very night, Chloe’s doctors decided she needed an emergency C-section. Ripley was born weighing only 2 lbs., 10 oz. and 15 inches long.
Aug 05 2018

Eli Bryant
Elijah Bryant is a force to be reckoned with. In just 7 years of life, he’s bravely survived PICU, chemotherapy (twice), a bone marrow operation, radiation, 14 general anesthetics, 4 central lines, countless CT scans and whole months of his young life a full-time occupant of the hospital bed that he needed to call home.
Jul 29 2018

Fisher Kariher
The Kariher family of Gulf Breeze is just one of many families who have learned that you don’t have to look far for the best pediatric medical care. After searching the U.S. for the best physician to operate on her son’s brain tumor, Jules discovered that the best care was right in her own backyard at The Studer Family Children’s Hospital at Sacred Heart.
Jul 29 2018

Lauren Schlossberg
When Ashley Schlossberg of Pensacola was 24 weeks pregnant, she was diagnosed with a severe case of preeclampsia, a condition that causes the expectant mother’s blood pressure to rise and can be fatal to both mother and baby. Ashley was told she would need to have a Cesarean section. At 25 weeks, Lauren was born weighing 1 lb., 5 oz. and measuring just 12-1/2” long. “Think of a 20 oz. can of Coca-Cola,” says Ashley to describe how Lauren appeared at birth.
Jul 29 2018

Shae Burleson
Shae Burleson is a happy 9-year-old girl. You’d never know that a year ago, she spent 118 days in The Studer Family Children’s Hospital at Sacred Heart. On September 23, 2016, Shae was in a terrible car accident while heading home from school. In the ambulance, paramedics told her to try to stay awake. The last thing she remembers is being wheeled into the hospital. Twenty-three days later, Shae woke up, ‘connected to a bunch of stuff.’ Over the next four months, her doctors, nurses and volunteers became like family. Shae would spend Halloween and Thanksgiving in the hospital, undergoing a total of 8 surgeries to repair the extensive damage caused by the accident. “I had a feeding tube, an ostomy, my belly open … it was such a relief to have all that gone,” Shae says. “Now, I just have my scars.” And a wonderful outlook on life. Shae’s aunt, Sharon, who works at Sacred Heart as a respiratory therapist, was by her side through it all. “These doctors and nurses really affect these kids’ lives,” Sharon says. “Coming from a tough background, she wants to grow up and take care of babies because of what she’s seen.” Sharon admits she, too, has changed because of what she witnessed. “Seeing the other side, I was amazed,” she says.
Jul 29 2018

A Home Away From Home
For Jessica Stevens and Matt Peacock, the doctors, nurses and staff at The Studer Family Children’s Hospital at Sacred Heart became a part of their family during the scariest time of their lives. Having a child in the NICU can be an emotional rollercoaster. “Some days you take one step forward only to take 12 back,” Jessica says.
Jan 18 2018

Baby Valor One Of Many Sweet Reasons For The Cordova Mall Ball
Baby Valor: One of Many Sweet Reasons for the Cordova Mall Ball Baby-boy Valor Ervin made his entrance into the world last July in a smooth delivery following his mother’s healthy, full-term pregnancy. But the first week of his life was nothing short of eventful.
Dec 19 2016

Emergent Surgery to Strength
One Friday evening, Tara Spencer’s eight-year-old daughter Zara started complaining of an earache. While she seemed fine at first, her earache quickly worsened even after treating it with Tylenol and antibiotics. The area behind her ear became swollen and Zara was in excruciating pain, crying that she was unable to hear out of the affected ear. After a second emergency room visit on Saturday and another trip to see Zara’s primary care physician on Monday, Tara was advised to take her daughter to the Emergency Department.
Jul 14 2024

Emergent Surgery to Strength
One Friday evening, Tara Spencer’s eight-year-old daughter Zara started complaining of an earache. While she seemed fine at first, her earache quickly worsened even after treating it with Tylenol and antibiotics. The area behind her ear became swollen and Zara was in excruciating pain, crying that she was unable to hear out of the affected ear. After a second emergency room visit on Saturday and another trip to see Zara’s primary care physician on Monday, Tara was advised to take her daughter to the Emergency Department.
Jul 14 2024

How A Routine Mammogram Saved A Life
One morning seven years ago, Angela Lane considered canceling her annual mammogram at the Ann L. Baroco Center for Breast Health and Mammography at Ascension Sacred Heart.
Oct 04 2023

Former Nfl Coach Is Emerald Coast S Biggest Fan
The 4th of July started like any other, until George Henshaw, 74, experienced an emergency. While spending time at the beach with his family, he had a stroke and was transported to Ascension Sacred Heart Emerald Coast.
Jun 18 2023

Emerald Coast Nicu Baby Ezra S Story
Ascension Sacred Heart Emerald Coast NICU now offering more specialists for patients and families
May 30 2023
Making A Big Impact For Our Smallest Patients
Small Baby Program: Helping improve outcomes for the smallest babies
May 16 2023
Life Comes Full Circle Nicu Baby To Nicu Nurse
As a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit nurse caring for the tiniest patients at Studer Family Children’s Hospital, Chelsea Fredrickson’s life has come full circle.
May 02 2023

Donor Funded Technology Brings Lifeline To Community
ECMO bringing a higher level of care to our community
Apr 05 2023

Joyful Creative And Determined
When the Whitworth family moved to Panama City Beach, son Will was three years old, and in most respects a typical, active youngster with a love of the outdoors and a far-reaching interest in animals. However, while he was quite verbal, it was evident that he was experiencing significant difficulty with his speaking skills. Mom Amanda had to interpret for others what he was trying to say because, although she understood him, no one else could.
Jan 02 2023

Helping Autistic Children Navigate Life
Four year-old Ja’Terrion was completely non-verbal when he was diagnosed and became a patient at the Autism Center of The Studer Family Children’s Hospital at Ascension Sacred Heart. However, this early-age intervention was to make a huge difference in his life. As a result of the speech therapy he received, he went from not saying anything to actually using words. Today, two years later, Ja’Terrion is enrolled in kindergarten and continuing to make progress in his communication skills.
Nov 14 2022

Stephanie Kemp Breast Cancer Survivor Finds Her Calling
Ascension Sacred Heart Breast Care Nurse Navigator Stephanie Kemp wears many hats as she guides patients through their breast cancer diagnosis, treatment, and recovery: she’s an educator, cheerleader, social worker, counselor and advocate. And just like the patients she interacts with daily, she’s also a breast cancer survivor.
Oct 12 2022

Katie Mitchell To Serve As Children S Miracle Network Champion
Ascension Sacred Heart Foundation is pleased to announce that Katie Mitchell has been chosen as our 2022 Children’s Miracle Network® (CMN) Champion, advocating for member hospital Studer Family Children’s Hospital at Ascension Sacred Heart. CMN is a non-profit organization dedicated to raising funds and community support for 170 children’s hospitals throughout North America. Each year, CMN hospitals are invited to submit the story of a child who has been treated in their facility. This child will serve as a CMN ambassador and face of the hospital for partner campaigns and various events that generate donations. One hundred percent of the donations stays in our local area to support pediatric treatments and healthcare services, medical equipment and philanthropic care.
Apr 04 2022

Halene O Connell
What is life after COVID-19 like? For a Milton teen, it’s a long journey from the coma she was in in the Studer Family Children’s Hospital at Ascension Sacred Heart. Now recovering at home, Halene O’Connell, 16, is fighting the after-effects of the virus.
Dec 28 2020

Tears Prayers And Grace
Haylee and David Huffman have deep roots on the Emerald Coast. They met in Destin, Haylee’s home town, and were married in Santa Rosa Beach eleven years ago. There, deeply committed to serving God, they “planted” a church that David currently pastors. Their three children were born at Ascension Sacred Heart Hospital on the Emerald Coast: Asher (6), Hattie (3), and John Levi. This is John Levi’s ‘story from the heart.’
Oct 05 2020

Elliot Rowell We See Most Clearly Through The Heart
Running through the Mother Seton Garden playground at the Studer Family Children’s Hospital at Ascension Sacred Heart, you’d never know 6-year-old Elliot Rowell was once a patient here.
Aug 03 2020

Dayaram Family
“All in God’s timing”: a surprise pregnancy leads to the surprise of their lives
Jul 20 2020

Ashton Welborn Childhood Cancer Patient To Pediatric Nurse
Ashton Welborn’s mother knew something was wrong with her second-grader. When the always-hungry little girl stopped eating and became pale and weak, she took her to the pediatrician. Blood work determined it was mono, but her doctor wanted a second look at the labs.
Apr 06 2020

Logan Allen Our Smallest Miracle
At six months pregnant, Talisa Jackson was faced with every expectant mother’s worst nightmare.
Feb 23 2020

Miles Wright
Miles Wright: “My cancer helped me appreciate the small things.”
Feb 03 2020

A Battle Bravely Fought
Today Katie Mitchell is in a good place. Eight years old, she is in the third grade and if you didn’t know what she has been through, you would never guess.
Dec 09 2019

Carter Harrison
So Much More Than A Syndrome
Oct 07 2019

Sophia S Story
How a new NICU will make a big difference for our smallest patients
Jul 23 2019

Jabyn Livingston Letting Hope Arise
One special boy’s legacy creates a haven for kids with special needs
Jun 03 2019

Abigail Fisher
Our 2019 Children’s Miracle Network Hospital Hero
Apr 15 2019

Blake S Story
Visiting with us during a chemotherapy infusion, you would never know the battles 18-year-old Blake McComas and his family have endured. Three years after losing his older brother to cancer, Blake was diagnosed with acute myeloid leukemia when he was just 11. Today, he’s still fighting, but it’s his laughter – not his tears – that fills the halls of the Studer Family Children’s Hospital at Sacred Heart.
Dec 17 2018

Reflection On I 10 Bus Crash
A Community of Helpers
Dec 10 2018

Harris Family
Father recounts day Sacred Heart Hospital
Dec 03 2018

Liana Patterson
LiAna’s Story
Nov 25 2018

Sprout Katie Have An Mri
What do you do when your child is so terrified by the thought of the hospital that she won’t get out of the car? You enlist the help of Sprout the Service Dog at Studer Family Children’s Hospital at Sacred Heart.
Sep 27 2018

Ripley Vignes
Chloe and Beau Vignes thought their pregnancy was fairly normal, until Chloe’s 30-week prenatal check-up, when they found out their son – Baby Ripley – was not on track for growth. Two weeks later, at the 32-week appointment, Chloe’s doctor performed an ultrasound and announced Chloe needed to be admitted right away. Baby Ripley was not stable, his heartbeat was not strong, and the doctor was concerned about his lung development. That very night, Chloe’s doctors decided she needed an emergency C-section. Ripley was born weighing only 2 lbs., 10 oz. and 15 inches long.
Aug 05 2018

Eli Bryant
Elijah Bryant is a force to be reckoned with. In just 7 years of life, he’s bravely survived PICU, chemotherapy (twice), a bone marrow operation, radiation, 14 general anesthetics, 4 central lines, countless CT scans and whole months of his young life a full-time occupant of the hospital bed that he needed to call home.
Jul 29 2018

Fisher Kariher
The Kariher family of Gulf Breeze is just one of many families who have learned that you don’t have to look far for the best pediatric medical care. After searching the U.S. for the best physician to operate on her son’s brain tumor, Jules discovered that the best care was right in her own backyard at The Studer Family Children’s Hospital at Sacred Heart.
Jul 29 2018

Lauren Schlossberg
When Ashley Schlossberg of Pensacola was 24 weeks pregnant, she was diagnosed with a severe case of preeclampsia, a condition that causes the expectant mother’s blood pressure to rise and can be fatal to both mother and baby. Ashley was told she would need to have a Cesarean section. At 25 weeks, Lauren was born weighing 1 lb., 5 oz. and measuring just 12-1/2” long. “Think of a 20 oz. can of Coca-Cola,” says Ashley to describe how Lauren appeared at birth.
Jul 29 2018

Shae Burleson
Shae Burleson is a happy 9-year-old girl. You’d never know that a year ago, she spent 118 days in The Studer Family Children’s Hospital at Sacred Heart. On September 23, 2016, Shae was in a terrible car accident while heading home from school. In the ambulance, paramedics told her to try to stay awake. The last thing she remembers is being wheeled into the hospital. Twenty-three days later, Shae woke up, ‘connected to a bunch of stuff.’ Over the next four months, her doctors, nurses and volunteers became like family. Shae would spend Halloween and Thanksgiving in the hospital, undergoing a total of 8 surgeries to repair the extensive damage caused by the accident. “I had a feeding tube, an ostomy, my belly open … it was such a relief to have all that gone,” Shae says. “Now, I just have my scars.” And a wonderful outlook on life. Shae’s aunt, Sharon, who works at Sacred Heart as a respiratory therapist, was by her side through it all. “These doctors and nurses really affect these kids’ lives,” Sharon says. “Coming from a tough background, she wants to grow up and take care of babies because of what she’s seen.” Sharon admits she, too, has changed because of what she witnessed. “Seeing the other side, I was amazed,” she says.
Jul 29 2018

A Home Away From Home
For Jessica Stevens and Matt Peacock, the doctors, nurses and staff at The Studer Family Children’s Hospital at Sacred Heart became a part of their family during the scariest time of their lives. Having a child in the NICU can be an emotional rollercoaster. “Some days you take one step forward only to take 12 back,” Jessica says.
Jan 18 2018

Baby Valor One Of Many Sweet Reasons For The Cordova Mall Ball
Baby Valor: One of Many Sweet Reasons for the Cordova Mall Ball Baby-boy Valor Ervin made his entrance into the world last July in a smooth delivery following his mother’s healthy, full-term pregnancy. But the first week of his life was nothing short of eventful.